Bus Schedule Information
Highline School District students bus routes for the 2024-25 school year will be announced the week of August 19. Please check back before the first day of school. Minor adjustments to routes could be made.
Find Your Bus
WebQuery helps you determine the school serving your neighborhood and the available bus stops. WebQuery also provides a helpful street map. Just enter the student's information and click "Go." See further instructions on the page for proper address entry and determining if your child is eligible to ride.
Please check back before the first day of school. Minor adjustments to routes could be made.
Highline District
- Mount Rainier High School
- Highline High School
- Evergreen High School
- Tyee High School
- Innovation Heights Academy
- Highline School District Emergency Transportation Information
Mount Rainier High School
Highline High School
Evergreen High School
Tyee High School
Innovation Heights Academy
Highline School District Emergency Transportation Information
Federal Way School District
Tukwila School District
Tahoma School District
Call us at 206-631-7300.